Now your customer's Laundry and daily household cleaning chores can be handled easily at a faster pace by using our Laundry Service App.
Now your customer's Laundry and daily household cleaning chores can be handled easily at a faster pace by using our Laundry Service App. is your customer's right destination. Customer's all laundry, clean-up and maid's activity can be scheduled easily. Your customers can quickly get information from their vendors in order to complete their work. At any time, customers can book their service appointments via their online laundry app. Customers need to capture video or images regarding the work that needs to be accomplished and in return we will send your customer quotes from the service vendor at an optimum price in your area/country.
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Hvantage develops excellent laundry mobile app, website, laundry software & POS. Contact here if you have any query or want a quote for the application.
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