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Fabric Cloth Trading Management

Tailored solutions for businesses relay delivery supplies and product automation, ultimately proving successful for the fabric firms.

Hvantage Technologies provides you with purchase management, handling sale orders and business flow for Fabric industry.

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Fabric Cloth Trading

Efficient implementation of service provision for fabric industries

Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions at

Hvantage Technologies offer your cloth trading firm with state-of-the-art purchase management handlers in order to streamline the flow for the fabric industry. Such business solutions that handle numerous stages through a typical sale flow order including quantity availability, product handling and payment information. The solutions hence prove to be profitable for the fabric industries which cater to supplier product deliveries for business automation.

Features of Fabric Cloth Trading Management

We, at Hvantage Technologies believe in dispensing prime implementation services at the disposal of your trading business in the following few ways:

  • Highly equipped sale order stages
  • Capturing product availability
  • Payment record scrutiny
  • Handling of miscellaneous charges
  • Handling of back orders
  • Handling discount amount
  • Handling of territory wise details


Products are designated with unique identification codes (designs, colours, numbers, etc) to be able to be distinguished from one another

Product Screenshot1 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -
Product Screenshot2 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -


Constant up-gradation and customization on the ERP to deliver more declarative information for the customers

Sell Order Screenshot3

CFA Request

CFA requests (sample requests) generated from sell orders. When CFA sales personnel request CFA on a customer's behalf, fresh records are generated in the supplier warehouse to reply back to specify their customers

CFA Request Screenshot4 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -

Product Availability

At every order creation, warehouse requests (Reserver Requests or availability requests) tends to the amendment of request by the supplier (reserve or available)

Product Availability Screenshot5 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -

The released orders can be promptly marked for their payments after being finished

Order/Release Screenshot6 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -
Back Order Screenshot7 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -

Back Order

Non-available orders can be subjugated to back-order payment requests by the customers

Commision Handling Screenshot8 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -

Commision Handling

Each seller earns commission over their sales

Sales Order Details Screenshot9 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -

Delivary of Product and Closing Order

Efficient and prompt delivery of orders are ensured

Delivary OF Product & Closing Order Screenshot10 | Fabric Clothing Management ERP Solutions -

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Hvantage is a global technology and an outsourcing company which has gained domain expertise on Banking, Consumer Products, High tech, Insurance, Financial Services, and Retail, It provides its clients with world-class software solutions and support services which are tailored by unique requirements for clients across the globe. Ranging from Information Technology services designed for business productivity to expert installation, outsourcing, and implementation to Hosted Solutions, our IT services & products are best-fit solutions viable to serve the global IT sectors.

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