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Online forecasting, planning, budgeting, risk modeling and analytics

Data is increasingly a driver for decision making in today's health care environment. Whether it's related to finances, utilization, workforce, insurance claims or quality metrics, our team members can analyze and interpret complex and large sets of data and then develop budgets, forecasts and other scenarios to assist with and advise other strategic design and implementation engagements.

The Problem:

  • If monitoring and forecasting of balance sheets, cash flow and income statements are avoided, the healthcare system is subjected to financial and operational risks.
  • Improper or flawed financial models can result in poor decision making affecting the Healthcare system.

Our Ideal Service:

  • By addressing the limitations and risks involved we are capable to model the financial and operational impact of business decision needs.
  • Our online Financial modeling and analytic tools, allows Healthcare industry to redefine their modeling capabilities and environment to meet their projected strategies.

Our Offerings:

  • Forecasting and Planning
  • Portfolio Performance
  • Financial Statements Reporting
  • Data Management
  • Revenue and Expenses reporting
  • Auditing and Risk Assessment

We are experts in

  • Finance:
    Our team can create budgets and pro forma financial statements to help clients understand their financial position and prepare for possible scenarios, including mergers and acquisitions, affiliations, capitation, and moving away from fee-for-service arrangements.
  • Strategic Planning:
    Our team members are trusted advisors who can help clients assess their current situation and develop a rigorous financial plan to address the strategic and operational needs of their organization.
  • Databases and Dashboards:
    We deal with very large and often highly complex sets of data, but our expertise in analysis and modeling helps us present an accurate, complete and understandable view of our clients' conditions.

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Hvantage Technologies Inc

Hvantage is a global technology and an outsourcing company which has gained domain expertise on Banking, Consumer Products, High tech, Insurance, Financial Services, and Retail, It provides its clients with world-class software solutions and support services which are tailored by unique requirements for clients across the globe. Ranging from Information Technology services designed for business productivity to expert installation, outsourcing, and implementation to Hosted Solutions, our IT services & products are best-fit solutions viable to serve the global IT sectors.

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