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How Customer Experience can help to better payment flow of eCommerce Website

Means of payment is something that affects the user in the most crucial way. It then becomes the job of the UX designers to cater to the exact requirements and streamline the procedure to the best possible extent. It becomes important to provide the users with a plethora of payment options so that the user can settle with what suits them the best.

This can even create a Choice Paralysis for the users when a lot of options are presented. Hence the UX providers focus on few major points:

  • Customized and Preferred payment options
    According to Insider, 83% people prefer COD as a payment option. Keeping COD as an option before anything else or ticking it off already creates an easy procedure for the user.

  • Secured payment provision
    The payment options like redirection, registration details or loading delays can prove to be dubious or tedious to the user. The UX designers need to be real specific about the same and make the users feel comfortable with the same.

  • Seamlessness
    Your payment gateway is basically an extension of your online store and it is an added advantage if it looks like one too. The UX designers need to make it a point that the payment feature matches with the complete style and feel of the website

  • Pop-ups
    Catering to low tolerance of users is a prime factor. Most users don’t prefer error or warning messages popping up while they pay. How subtly these warnings are presented become a real important notion for the UX designers.

  • Sign-Up facilities
    Making sign-ups mandatory for the users before purchases are something that becomes quite tedious for new customers. Guest logins and check outs can streamline the payment flow to a very large extent.

  • Acknowledgement
    How is a consumer acknowledged at the end of any purchase is quite something to look out for. A warm message or gratitude, though doesn’t matter much, create a long lasting impression on the consumer.

Hvantage Technologies is one place where the UX designers are specifically directed towards the satisfaction of consumers and to the fact that they experience care even while paying for anything that they like!



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